Friday, June 17, 2005

Why I might wear a GREEN string on my wrist...

Just caught the 20/20 special on the Kabbalah centre. For those of you in the know, the "red strings" on the wrists of celebrities identify them as devotees of Kabbalah, or what this current crop of cult leaders CALLS Kabbalah. As if God is a technology that you can access like some kind of computer, just feed the right data in and he gives you answers. They've got the Almighty confused with a vending machine.

In truth there is a vast abyss between us and God as shown in Luke 16 when the rich man is in Hell and looks up at Lazarus the beggar in the bosom of Abraham. The way to Paradise is guarded by cherubim and a fiery sword. There is nothing to make him lower his sword but the Blood of Christ (our Passover Lamb).

The apostle Paul says that the blood of goats and lambs could not bring us redemption, much less saying the "names of God" or tattooing his name on our neck...

Heb 9:12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption

The last time I heard about Kabbalah it was in an X-files episode, great TV... but in the end its like junk food...

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