Sunday, June 12, 2005


the bizarre, the paranormal and the downright WEIRD from a Biblical perspective...

In the writings of Zechariah Sitchin, he makes the rather wild conjecture that the insertion of 223 “enigmatic genes” in the human genome was really the work of an advanced alien race called the “Anunnaki” on the genetic structure of hominids running around in the forests of ancient earth. He is left with this implausible idea because the 223 enigmatic strands are only in the human genome and invertebrates. It seems as if evolution simply skipped right from bacteria to the human level completely missing the lower vertebrates.

Evolutionists make an equally implausible conclusion; somehow the genetic code of bacteria infected the gonads of our early ancestors. Of course both of these ideas miss the obvious conclusion of a “special creation”. Man and his genetic structure were built by the hand of God rather than aliens or bacteria laden waters. The animal world (vertebrate and invertebrate) was created fully mature and “evolved”.

The extra DNA is also proving to be not so “enigmatic”. It has been found in some genes that they are responsible for control of other genes. So the conclusion that this is leftover from either messy aliens or equally messy evolution is premature.

One must ask what the real agenda is behind the “alien” hypothesis and the evolutionary one. The evolutionist’s ideas are not so hard to fathom out, the goal is to eliminate the “First Cause” or God altogether from the process. The alien theory is a little more malicious than it seems on the surface. This same concept of aliens or Martians tampering with our genetic structure has been around for quite a while. “Five Million Years to Earth” a science fiction movie of the 50’s makes the same argument. Digging for a new underground in London they find a buried Martian ship. They also find skulls of cavemen in different stages of evolution. The Martians it seems fiddled with our genetic structure and “two races” developed, one with telepathic powers and the other with none. “Ah” you say, “Its only a MOVIE! Come on Marty!” But the plot thickens. Many of the current UFO cults believe that we are indeed descended from genetic experiments. The aliens themselves have claimed that all the advanced humans on earth, Einstein, Buddha, Jesus, were all “experiments” done by them.

In this sense the agenda of the aliens is not much different than that of the evolutionary scientists. Let’s take God completely out of the picture… Part of the goal of the “aliens” from ancient times was to destroy the bloodline somehow of the messiah. Did I say “aliens” perhaps you know them better by their name “sons of God” such as in Genesis 6.

(I have more; I even have a video game based on some of these ideas at
email me if you want:

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