Monday, June 13, 2005

Sitchin isn't as whacked out as it seems...

I'm not saying he's right by any means but respected astronomers such as Fred Hoyle and his collaborator, baffled at how life could ever have begun on earth, have proposed a similar idea called "panspermia". Apparently bacteria have been "seeded" on earth by comets, and of course this allows for there to be life ALL THROUGH THE UNIVERSE, shades of the bar scene from "Star Wars".

Here's the link:
Panspermia Discussion

Lets forget the fact that all the factors to allow for life even on this earth have to be EXACTLY correct and perfect for life to exist, the statistical possiblity of life elsewhere in the universe is nil to none.

This leaves us with the question, if there is no life in the rest of the universe (intelligent or otherwise), what the heck is nature of all these "alien encounters"? On that one I concur with Jaques Valee and John Keel, its a paranormal phenomena. If its a paranormal event that leaves only one choice for the discerning Christian that wishes to honor biblical principles, it is also purely demonic in nature.

So Sitchin and Hoyle take the same data as the creationists but arrive at very different conclusions; Sitchin claims it was alien "gods", Hoyle claims it was comets... intelligent design seems to be an easier thing to believe in...

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